Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up. A.A. Milne Flowers from Pinterest There are a lot of organizing blogs and web sites out there but I decided to start this one to help me get MYSELF back on the organizing track as well as share some things that have helped me be more organized over the years. I've kind of yo-yo'd back and forth like a diet with being organized. I was the MOST organized when my kids were growing up because I felt I HAD to be to maintain my sanity with all the busyness of an active household! But if I go back even further I was a very orderly little girl. My room was ALWAYS neat and organized. I made my bed before I even got out of it! I had a happy, secure childhood and I think that my desire to keep things in my personal little world happy and ordered reflected that. My disorganized years were: when the kids had moved out and I was working full time ( more abou...