
Showing posts from November, 2020


  Life is simple, but men keep making it complicated. Confucious  One of the things I want to do in this blog, is share my thoughts on keeping life simple. Maybe there is no such thing as a "simple life" but there are things we can do to keep it from getting more complicated. I like to think of a simpler life as "Joyfully Balanced". So list making is  one thing I do to try and keep from complicating my life. Are you a list maker? I might be the queen of list makers! I make  lists  of lists! I also write things down on my lists that I already did but had forgotten to write down. Just so I can have that great feeling of crossing them off! Yup! I really do that! Lists help me stay organized. They act as reminders. They keep me feeling calmer because I don't have to have so many thoughts going on in my mind trying to remember what I need to do.  Here's a list of some of the lists I keep: 1) Master To Do List...This list is the one that is ongoing where I add eve

A New Adventure In Organizing

 Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed because of too much to do? Too much to even think about? And then there's Covid! That and other things just add  stress to an already busy life. The initial Covid lockdowns brought significant changes to the lives of my son and daughter-in-law just like many other people. My son who works in the IT department at the Mayo Clinic had to work from home. My daughter-in-law, Monica, a teacher, also began working from home teaching online to kindergarteners ( how does that even work ?),  their daughter, a college student had to come home and finish through online learning, and their 12 year old son, Charlie,  also started online learning at home while also receiving help from Mom and Dad. So all four of them had to find their own space to do work and school. They figured it out as many people had to do but it took a lot of creativity.  This was Charlies first year in middle school with many changes such as having different teachers instead of one

Enjoying The Milder Weather

"I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion." Henry David Thoreau   We had a short stint of unseasonably cold weather this Fall but it has been lovely this last week! I hope this nice weather keeps up before the snow hits! Right now I need to take a break from hearing about politics and get out there and enjoy this beautiful weather!  I hope you can take time off before the cold and snow arrives ( if you even have snow in your area ) to enjoy the more milder weather!  la det skje Sandy


                      It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan. Eleanor Roosevelt  When I began this blog, I was focusing on "ordering"  my life and I was including my whole life here, not just organizing my "spaces". But I really was not thinking about my health and wellness.  Well, now I've decided to expand this blog a bit to include ALL areas of my life, including my body. Yeah, I'm trying for the whole-shebang! You see it's fairly easy for me to order my life in most areas ( I love organizing and planning ) but the troubling areas for me... getting in shape, losing weight, exercising more, eating less sweets...these areas are my big  downfall. And after adding extra Covid pounds its even more  an issue! So I'm ready to conquer this area of my life as well! I know it's a couple of months away from the New Year when most people make resolutions to make changes in their lives but I'm working on the planning part now, making c