If your mind isn't clouded by unnecessary things, this is the best season of your life. Qu-men

Many people, when thinking  of simplifying their lives, think about de-cluttering, downsizing, and getting organized. And those are, in fact, activities related to living simply. But one thing that is sometimes overlooked is how our "minds" and "thoughts" play a very important part in this whole endeavor. 

You see, everything begins in the mind. Your thoughts create your life in almost a literal sense. Since your thoughts create your life, if your thoughts are unfocused and directionless, then your life will be also. Don't let your thoughts be clouded by unnecessary things. If in the past you made impulse purchases and now choose to make "experiences" a bigger priority over "buying more stuff", you would now need to be intentional in your thinking. You would have to learn to keep your thoughts focused on this issue and train your mind to think differently.

The best way to be focused in this way is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is simply the ability to pay attention to what is happening in the moment. Your thoughts and attention need to be laser focused on that moment in time. So instead of purchasing something without truly thinking about it, you would mindfully be aware of your intention to make "things" less important, and not just purchase on impulse.

But you first need to know what your "intentions" are. What is it you want to change? What would  a "Simple Lifestyle" look like to you? 

For this you'll need a notebook in which to write down a description of your "Simple Life". Describe it in detail, using the present tense, and include the following areas:


1) Decrease Your Activities

2) Declutter Your Mind

3) Declutter Your Stuff

4) Decrease Your Spending

5) Downsize Your Spaces

6) Determine Your Relationships

To help you clarify this life, ask yourself questions:

Do I desire a clutter-free home?
Do I need to clear some space on my calendar?
Do I want to be less busy?
Do I want to be intentional in how I spend my time?
What are some things that are important to me that I want to keep in my life?
What people in my life do I need to spend more time with?
What are my favorite things to do?
What are some things I'm doing I would like to let go of?
Do I need to get rid of some unnecessary items that are just taking up space?
Do I want to be more mindful of how I'm living?

The answers to these questions will help you to focus and give clarity to what steps you will need to take to live the simple life you want. Ann Voskamp, a Blogger, says, "Simplicity is ultimately a matter of focus".  So what are you waiting for? Your "Life Of Simplicity" is waiting for you!



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