LIVE YOUR DREAM LIFE NOW! While I've taken a break from keeping up this blog, I decided to pop on over and invite anyone who happens along here and all my former followers to a workshop entitled, LIVE YOUR DREAM LIFE NOW!. Who wouldn't want to live their "dream life", right? I'll be posting this FREE workshop every Monday for 8 weeks beginning on January 7th. For details see my November 26th post on Hob Nobbers . Anyone can just follow along but I would love it if you would let me know you are taking the course by e-mailing me @ I'll be sending out reminders and a bit of information via e-mail. Feel free to pass on this invitation through your blog as well. New Year's resolutions are OK but it's more fun to create the life you've imagined! So check out this course and sign up NOW! See you on January 7th! Sandy ; )