Life is simple, but men keep making it complicated. Confucious One of the things I want to do in this blog, is share my thoughts on keeping life simple. Maybe there is no such thing as a "simple life" but there are things we can do to keep it from getting more complicated. I like to think of a simpler life as "Joyfully Balanced". So list making is one thing I do to try and keep from complicating my life. Are you a list maker? I might be the queen of list makers! I make lists of lists! I also write things down on my lists that I already did but had forgotten to write down. Just so I can have that great feeling of crossing them off! Yup! I really do that! Lists help me stay organized. They act as reminders. They keep me feeling calmer because I don't have to have so many thoughts going on in my mind trying to remember what I need to do. Here's a list of some of the lists I keep: 1) Master To Do List...This list is the one that is ongoing where I add eve